Category: Work
Why the dead are so loud in Bosnia
by Miriam Edlich-Muth 21st century excavations of dead bodies usually only impinge on the public consciousness in the context of violent crime or atrocities. My area of the DEEPDEAD project will be dealing in part with the ways in which narratives of violence have been attached to human remains in the description of medieval relics.…
Shakespearean Exhumations: The Neolithic Romeo and Juliet
In my first public presentation of DEEPDEAD research, I gave a paper at the British Shakespeare Association conference in Hull, UK (October 2016), on “Shakespearean Exhumations.” Here’s a snippet of the talk: In February 2007, a team of Italian archaeologists led by Elena Menotti announced a remarkable discovery. Digging in a Neolithic necropolis in Valdaro,…
Our first meeting at Deepdead
It was a pleasure to have for the first time part of the Deepdead team together at our Exeter meeting during the summer. We had brilliant presentations by Naomi, Philip, Estella, Andrew, Jan-Peer, Ladislav and Jan. The idea behind these was to introduce our research, work and interests related to the project strands, and it…