Category: Uncategorized
Ladislav Šmejda: Obituary and Appeal
We continue to mourn the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Ladislav Šmejda. An obituary has now been published by Ladislav’s colleagues at the University of West Bohemia. If you knew Ladislav or were touched by his work, please consider contributing to the funding appeal to support his bereaved family.
Ladislav Šmejda
It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of our project partner Ladislav Šmejda during the night from 26 to 27 November. Ladislav’s death is not only a great loss for his family and especially his three children, but also for the scientific community. One of Ladislav’s many research topics, which he…
Two Cheers for Iconoclasm: Why Pulling Down Monuments Gives Us More To Remember
The statue of the merchant and slave-trader Edward Colston has been pulled from its plinth in Bristol. In Oxford there are renewed calls for the image of Cecil Rhodes to come down. Across the southern United States, monuments to Confederate soldiers and politicians seem to be falling in greater numbers every day, some by order…