Year: 2018
A Hundred Hungry Graves
By Sarah Briest The recent excavation of an early 17th-century plague pit in London led archaeologists to somewhat unexpected conclusions. Whereas contemporary written accounts highlight the horrors and indignities of plague burial, the new-found site indicated an unforeseen degree of care and respect bestowed on the bodily remains of plague victims. The discovery was made…
Berlin Lecture series 16 April 2018
We are pleased to be able to share the programme for the Deepdead lecture series in Berlin, to start on on April 16th. Ringvorlesung Die Macht der Toten (Faltflyer)
Beyond Death Conference Vienna 2 – 4 May 2018
Exploring the Uses of Dead Bodies, Funerary Objects, and Burial Spaces through Time. We are pleased to announce the programme for the event is now available to download Beyond Death-2018-Programme It is not too late to book your place, for further information and updates, please visit: OAW
Beyond death Conference 2 – 4 May 2018
Exploring the Uses of Dead Bodies, Funerary Objects, and Burial Spaces through Time This conference, which is one of the outputs of the HERA UP-funded project DEEPDEAD (Deploying the Dead: Artefacts and Human Bodies in Socio-Cultural Transformations), explores the uses and meanings of dead bodies, objects and burial spaces over long periods of time. As…